purtroppo le recenti regole non consentono più di "concorrere" per lo sfondo ed io non sono mai riuscito a vincere con una delle mie foto della tiguan
Perciò le ho mandate a VW.de e guardate cosa mi hanno risposto:
ps(staremo a vedere cosa mi amnderanno.... forse un portachiavi )
pps(posto anche le foto che avevo inviato al loro indirizzo!)
Dear Dr. Remigio,
Thank you for your kind e-mail.
Nothing can be more rewarding than the loyalty and confidence our customers display towards our products. It is of particular
pleasure to us, when conviction concerning the quality of our automobiles is shown as you expressed it in your e-mail with the
attached photos.
We wish you a continued good and enjoyable time when driving your Volkswagen vehicles and would be glad to count you among our
customers also in the future.
Please send us your complete postal address, we will then send you a little present.
Yours sincerely,
i.V. Wolfgang Vulperhorst i.V. Karin Gaedecke
Volkswagen AG
38436 Wolfsburg
Tel +49 (0) 1805 865579*
Fax +49 (0) 1805 329865*
Homepage http://www.volkswagen.de
* 14 Cent/Min. aus dem Netz der Dt. Telekom
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HRB Nr./. Commercial Register No.: 100484
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Ferdinand Piëch
Vorstand/Board of Management: Martin Winterkorn (Vorsitzender/Chairman), Francisco J. Garcia Sanz, Jochem Heizmann, Horst
Neumann, Hans Dieter Poetsch
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